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Gigablast indexe 1 milliard de pages

Gigablast, moteur américain de recherche sur le web, a atteint le milliard de pages indexées le 7 janvier. Dépassant son concurrent direct Exalead qui totatilise 900 millions de pages, Gigablast entre dans la cours des grands.

De plus, Gigablast propose des services comme la recherche thématique, la recherche intrasite et l’affichage des résultats en format xml personalisable. Selon  SearchEngineJournal,

« DSS gives webmasters the ability to provide their website’s viewers with search capability for the specific website being viewed. Additionally, webmasters can provide root URLs to seed the spidering process of their websites. Gigablast will spider their websites in real-time at the rate of one page every five seconds. With multiple dedicated clusters, Gigablast can handle large amounts of DSS queries and webpages. Until all of a website’s pages have been uploaded to the dedicated servers, viewers may be directed to Gigablast’s main index which likely has most, if not all, of the website’s pages already indexed.

CTS was announced on December 20, 2004 and allows webmasters to tailor their website’s search feature to a custom topic. The topic may be defined by a list of hundreds of arbitrary websites. These websites are entered into the search tool by the webmaster and are often related to an area of interest. Gigablast then restricts its search to these websites. »

A propos de Julien Lombard-Donnet